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Quantum Rush Racing event on 21/3/14

Quantum Rush Racing event on 21/3/14

Racing event on 21/3/2014: Challenge the Quantum Rush team!

The developers of Quantum Rush - the futuristic online racing game currently in closed beta - invites all beta testers to a special racing event this Friday at 4:00 p.m. (CET) to race against members of their team.

Have you ever wondered if you could best the developers of Quantum Rush on their own race tracks? If so, make sure not to miss the special racing event this Friday.

To take part in this event, just log in and join matchmaking for Death Race on tier 1 on Friday, 21/3/2014, at 4:00 p.m. (CET).

If you would like to participate but have no beta key yet, you can contact the developers via Twitter or Facebook to see if you can still get one in time. Signing up for the Quantum Rush Newsletter can also get you a beta key.

For the Youtubers amongst the beta testers: capturing the event and publishing videos about it is permitted, it just has to be pointed out that the material is from the closed beta.

In any case, the Quantum Rush Team is looking forward to meet their players on the race track on Friday!


Quantum Rush Site:

Quantum Rush on Facebook:

GameArt Studio Youtube-Channel:

Quantum Rush Blog:

Quantum Rush on Twitter:


About GameArt Studio:

GameArt Studio was founded in Berlin, 2006, and quickly became one of the most innovative developers and publishers of online games.
All GameArt Studio games are multiplayer online games that allow players from all around the world to play together. Furthermore, all GameArt Studio games are free-to-play.

The four published games of GameArt Studio "Holy War", "Tagoria", "A.I. War" and "Glory Wars" are enjoyed by a worldwide community.


Contact und further Information:

GameArt Studio GmbH
Bismarckstraße 107
10625 Berlin, Germany
E-Mail: press_en@gameartstudio.de
Internet: www.gameartstudio.de


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