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Browser Games

Online Browser RPG Games

Pirates Browser Game

Mini Top
1.Pirates Glory1
2.PSW Europe0
3.Car Mechanic Tycoon0
4.Chronicles of Middle Ages0
5.Soccer Club Manager0
VoteSee Top20

Latest Games
1.PSW Europe
2.Car Mechanic Tycoon
3.Chronicles of Middle Ages
4.Soccer Club Manager
Latest 20
OMGSPIDER - Submit a new Game
-Submit a Game

Guidelines to follow
  • All submissions are checked by humans.
  • Only games with their own domain are accepted.
  • Games by Email are not accepted.
  • The short description you write should DESCRIBE YOUR GAME IN SHORT.
  • If the short description is too large or if we do not like it, we will change it.
  • In general, an acceptable short description should be between 20-30 words.
  • We will send our engine to index your site if it is accepted. Take a look at the engine page here.
  • If the game is not yours, let us know.
  • You will be emailed by our stuff once your game is accepted.
  • OMGSPIDER is not interested to let you know how many visitors it has sent to you. You should do this on your own with a statistics program like awstats or Google Analytics.
  • OMGSPIDER.com currently auto submits your game submission to one more game site. Soon we will be able to auto submit your application to more gaming sites.
  • Voting Count for each game restarts every month.
  • Only 1 vote per 24 hours per IP is counted.
  • Do place a link of our site in yours. It also helps Google Pagerank.
  • If you have already placed a link to us, let us know in which page it resides.
  • You will receive the voting code by email. Our stuff will send it to you.
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Game Url:
Game Short Description:
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