Quantum Rush goes beta!
Quantum Rush goes beta! |
The futuristic online racing game Quantum Rush starts its beta phase today. Everyone can now register a free account at the game's official website (www.quantum-rush.net), download the client and start playing.
The Quantum Rush team wishes to express their gratitude to all beta testers and rewards them with 100 Qoins. The participation of the active Quantum Rush community, their many ideas and constant feedback, allowed for the fast and effective development of Quantum Rush.
Accordingly, Quantum Rush already has a lot to offer:
Players can expect action-packed races with futurisitc racers and race tracks. Up to 20 pilots can compete against each other in a single race.

Still looking for more action? Quantum Rush's Death Race mode adds the element of combat to the equation. To this end, racers are equipped with mounted cannons and players can collect special pickup items on the race track - shields, homing missiles and whatnot.
However, Quantum Rush also has with strategic elements. In your garage, you will be able to research new parts to upgrade your racers, like new engines for increased speed or agility and improved cannons for more fire power. And the aesthetes among you will enjoy the features the game offers for the visual customisation of racers.
The accounts created during the closed beta phase have been reset to give everyone a fair start. So now is a good time to join the hunt for the top ranks in Quantum Rush's extensive highscores. Another reset is not planned.
If you sign up soon, you will even receive a welcome gift: all accounts registered by 14/04/2014 will start with 30 Qoins.
Naturally, the game's development team will continue to work on Quantum Rush throughout the open beta. New features and race tracks are in the making.
In any case, it will be worth the while to keep an eye on Quantum Rush, now and in the near future.
Quantum Rush Site:
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About GameArt Studio:
GameArt Studio was founded in Berlin, 2006, and quickly became one of the most innovative developers and publishers of online games.
All GameArt Studio games are multiplayer online games that allow players from all around the world to play together. Furthermore, all GameArt Studio games are free-to-play.
The four published games of GameArt Studio "Holy War", "Tagoria", "A.I. War" and "Glory Wars" are enjoyed by a worldwide community.
Contact und further Information:
GameArt Studio GmbH
Bismarckstraße 107
10625 Berlin, Germany
E-Mail: press_en@gameartstudio.de or info@quantum-rush.net
Internet: www.gameartstudio.de
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