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Quantum Rush Online now on Steam!

Quantum Rush Online now on Steam!

GameArt Studio, the developer of Quantum Rush Online today announced that the future racer, as by 28.07, can now be played on Steam as well!

Now all racer fans are ready to go! Yesterday the free2play game Quantum Rush Online was published on Steam http://store.steampowered.com/app/304890/ !


Games on Steam come with some decisive advantages for players, e.g. players can see right after login on Steam which games their friends are playing.

Steam also has a great worldwide community, so you should find many new racing friends!

By the way: Players which already have an existing Quantum Rush Online account can decide if they wish to keep this account as is and create a new one on Steam, or convert their existing account into their Steam account. The Quantum Rush team leaves this decision to the player.

Development of Quantum Rush Online will continue steadily. New content (such as new racing tracks) and new updates with optimizations and improvements are in preparation.

The Quantum Rush team also wishes to express their thanks to the community for their great feedback and support and wishes everybody lots of fun on the racing track!

However, due to the game servers located in Germany, Quantum Rush Online will be available on Steam only in Europe, Russia and CIS! The reason is, under the present circumstances, ping times outside of these regions are too high for a good gaming experience.

If players live outside Europe or these regions and if they wish to play Quantum Rush then the offline version of the game, Quantum Rush: Champions is just right for them! Everybody can help with bringing this game about, as Quantum Rush: Champions now waits to be greenlit on Steam


Vote for Quantum Rush: Champions to bring the offline version on Steam as well.



Quantum Rush official trailer:

Quantum Rush homepage:

Quantum Rush: Champions on Kickstarter:

Quantum Rush: Champions on Steam Greenlight:

Quantum Rush Steam group:

Quantum Rush on Facebook:

GameArt Studio YouTube channel:

Quantum Rush Blog:

Quantum Rush on Twitter:

Quantum Rush google+:

About GameArt Studio:

GameArt Studio GmbH was founded in 2006 in Berlin and quickly became one of the most innovative developers and publishers of online games. All games of GameArt Studio are multiplayer online games, so players from all over the world can play together and against each other. All games are free2play, meaning they can be played for free.
With its four games available in 11 languages, „Holy War“, „Tagoria“, „A.I. War“ and „Glory Wars“, GameArt Studio thrills a worldwide community.


Contact and further information:
GameArt Studio GmbH
Bismarckstrasse 107
10625 Berlin
Email: info@quantum-rush.net or presse@gameartstudio.de
Internet: www.gameartstudio.de



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