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QR Champions soon in Steam Early Acc

QR Champions soon in Steam Early Acc

Great news: The Quantum Rush Team announced that Quantum Rush: Champions, the offline version of Quantum Rush: Online just received permission for release in Steam Early Access!

This means that soon the Early Access Version of Quantum Rush: Champions will be available on Steam!

Fans of the game living outside of Europe will be especially happy as the offline version of the game can be played all over the world independently of the location of the player.

The final date for the release of the Early Access version has not yet been set, but if players would like to be among the first to test the game and give their feedback to the developer, then they should keep their eyes open in the next weeks.

Players can follow Quantum Rush on Greenlight to stay updated with the release date.

As the community has been loudly calling for an offline version of the future racer, the Quantum Rush team worked with extreme pressure to fulfill this wish. With the release permission for Early Access on Steam they achieved an important mile stone in the development of the game.

The next step in the development of the game will be the release of the Early Access version of the game, and as soon as this happens, every player worldwide can get the game on Steam!

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