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Time to Summon in Einherjar!09/26
Time to raid in Einherjar!09/26
Rewards for Top Fans of Einherjar on09/21
PvP Tournament open for register now09/21
International Talk like a pirate day09/19
More Expedition for More Heroes in E09/19
More experience, more loots!09/19
Fun Pic Contest on Einherjar Fb09/12
Week of Reincarnation and Rejuvenati09/12
Great Expedition time in Einherjar!09/05
Less Power, more Heroes in Einherj09/05
Long-awaited Updates in Einherjar08/29
New event in Einherjar08/29
Fighting in Einher08/24
Recruitment Contest in Medieval Brow08/22
Tagoria-2nd International World open08/08
Zorg Empire: New uni launched!08/02
Tournament Universe in Zorg Empire!07/27
Super Summer Ticket Promotion!07/24
Tacticians wanted! PvE missions in A07/17
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